Often times we search for solace from everywhere but within. Internal conflicts at times are the hardest to confront but can create the greatest sense of liberation and self clarity to those who are willing to be vulnerable with themselves. Being a prisoner to your thoughts can drown you in fear, doubt and uncertainty, these are spiritual shackles that constrain you just as well as tangible chains. Finding inner peace is personal work, asking the questions no one else can answer, doing the things you never thought you could, being the person you always wanted to be is what most are not willing to do, but you aren't most you are you and it is impossible to be a better someone else. once you are able to free yourself of yourself you will never be prisoner to anyone else. 

It's grimy inside but you can find me inside 

Self portrait of Prisoner 

24 x 30 in

Oil on Canvas 

'Outside in'

cum to me 

24 x 30 in  (Gold Leaf Frame)

Oil on Canvas 

'Everything's Outside'

What goes in must go out

24 x 30 in 

Oil on canvas 

Survivors Guilt

Survivor guilt is a mental condition that occurs when a person believes they have done something wrong by surviving a traumatic event when others did not, often feeling self-guilt.

After the depression, comes the anxiety

20 x 20 in

Oil on canvas

It's a cold world baby girl, loving me is not enough 

24 x 30 in

Oil on canvas 

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